Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Dog In Charge



I read dog in charge by K.L. Going.  This book was about a dog who's family went to the store.  When they left for the store they told the dog that he would be in charge of the cats while they were gone.  During this time the dog was trying to keep that cats in one spot so that he could watch over them more closely, but when that dog turned around that cats were gone!  He had to chase the cats all over the house.  The cats were jumping on things and knocking things over all over the house.  At this point the dog started to get scared that his family wont call him a "good dog, the very best dog".  At the end the dog falls asleep because he was so tired from chasing around the cats the whole time, when the cats find him asleep they clean up the whole house before the family got home.  When the family gets home they are so happy that the dog kept everything in order and gave him many treats.
I would probably use this book to show children that it is important to work together as a team.  I would explain to the class that there are times that you need to work by your self, but there will also be many times where you will have to work in a group or in a team.  I think that it is important that children learn this at a young age so that they will be comfortable doing it later in life!