Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I read SIT-IN by Andrea Davis Pinkney.  This book is about how these African American young adults (4) of them went to an "All White" diner. All they wanted was a coffee and a doughnut.  they sat there without saying one word.  they got the cops called on them at first, but the cop said that they were not doing anything wrong, all they were doing was sitting.  So the diner owner closed down for the day.  the word got around about this sit in, then more and more people started sitting in as well.  I thought that this was a great civil rights book.  I would read this to a class to start a lesson about the civil rights.  I think that this connects to all of us because we take our rights for granted.  People worked hard to get us where we are today! I think that this book is great for all ages and I would recommend this book to teachers who need a great book for civil rights! 


  1. Great book Ashleigh. This is a very timely topic. I think it would be great to include a link or two to civil rights activities...maybe even a video of someone reading another civil rights book, or MLK Jr's I have a dream speech.

  2. I have never heard of this book and I am very interested in reading it now! I agree with you that it would be an excellent book to read to kids to start a civil rights discussion or lesson. I will probably be reading this for my bibliography now!

  3. I very much agree with you! many young children may not know of the sacrifices African Americans endured during the civil right.

  4. This book seems like it would be so great to read! I think we can all agree that books on civil rights are crucial especially at a young age. Although it's not necessarily a major issue today, it's still a difference between persons and as individuals, we like to distinguish between any difference we can identify. And of course, issues could arise from what could potentially become: competition. What a great starter book to introduce this topic!

  5. I have never heard of this before, but it sounds like a very interesting book on civil rights. I think this would be an excellent book to use as an introduction to civil rights, just like you said. I also agree that it is important for students today to learn how hard people had to fight for the rights we sometimes take for granted now.

  6. This book is great! It is important for students to see that it is not ok to treat people differently because they look a little differently. The civil rights is a topic that definitely needs to be covered in the classroom and this book is a great way to introduce it. LIke Celia said, it may not be a major issue today but students still struggle with treating everyone equally.
