Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hugs From Pearl


I read hugs from Pearl by Paul Schmid.  This was a story of a porcupine who loved hugs but he needles were to sharp that she would cut/scratch people that she would hug.  Even though her friends were very nice about the scratches from pearl she still felt very bad for hurting them. She did not want to hurt any one because she wanted a hug, so at one point she stopped asking and giving hugs.  At the end she finds a away for give everyone hugs with out hurting them.  At that point every one was happy. 

I really enjoyed this book because it was a nice read and it is a book that could be read at the end of lunch or even at the end of the day.  Another thing that I was thinking about while I was reading this book was that I could use it as a lessen if there was bullying going on in the classroom.  This book teaches us that no matter what people have or look like that we should all be nice to each other.  It is important for children to be taught at a young age about respecting one another.  I also rented this book at the library and this is one that I also want to by for my personal library. 


  1. This sounds like a really cute book! I've never read it before, but I agree that you could use it to teach young kids about bullying. It is important that children understand that everyone is different but you should still accept them for who they are.

  2. This book looks so incredibly adorable! I love the illustrations in the book and the concept is great! I would love to read this book! What I like about this book is that her friends accept despite the scratches, rather than rejecting her. That's a great thing for kids to talk about. That even though their friends are different, they should still accept each other.

  3. this seems like a cute book and i enjoyed how you gave perspective on the porcupine nice post!

  4. Just from looking at the cover, I already want this book because of how cute it looks! But I like how you found that deeper, it can closely relate to problems such as bullying and even further into the importance of being respectful. It's something important that we need to learn at the earliest possible time because it starts with our first interactions. And repeating this only enhances how important it is.

  5. This book looks so cute! I have never read it before but based off of what you said, it seems like a good read and will be a good book to teach kid about bullying!
