Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My Big Rig

I read My Big Rig by Jonathan London.  this book is about a little boy playing with his toy truck.  He goes through out the book and say how cool it would be to drive a big rig.  It gives you different aspects of being a truck driver.  It shows all of the different things that a truck driver would go through.  The books also shows the different type of environments that truck drivers have to go through ( Deserts, forests, mountains, etc..).  This book gives the fun aspect of being a truck driver, but I think it should because people do not always respect truck drivers. 
I think that it would be hard to have a lesson about this book.  I think I might be able to do a journal writing asking them what they would do if they were a truck driver.  This would just be a fun book to read to them right before they went home or even right after lunch.  this would be a fun book to also have so that the children could read on there own.  The words are easy enough for them to understand at a young age!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I read the book Mine! by Kevin Luthardt.  this book is about twin boys that get a box in the mail from grandma.  when the boys open the box they found out that grandma only sent one toy!  the boys fight and fight about the toy until they end up ripping it! so mom send them to their room.  she calls them down for lunch, when the boys get to the table they see that their toy is fixed.  at the end they learn to share.

I would use this book to show the children that we need to share.  they will see if we all share they will all be happy, and the toys will stay in better shape.  I think this is a great book to use in the classroom for students to read when ever they want.  the only thing about this book is that the only word in here is mine so the pictures is what really tells the story. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Little White Rabbit

I read the book a Little White Rabbit by Kevin Henkes.  throughout this book it says how it would be if the rabbit was different thing.  the rabbit hops around and as he does this he will pass by things saying I wonder how it would be if I was as tall as a tree.  and on the next page it would show how the rabbit would look if he was that big.  I thought that the book could have had a different ending because I though the ending did not really think it went with the book, but other then that it was a really good book.    the pictures are great.  they are made with color pencil.  this link below shows the author drawing the pictures of this book I thought that was an awesome video.             

to use this in a classroom I think that it would be used for an after lunch book to clam down the students after running around.  I would ask the children after to go to their desk and work alone on a drawing if they were just like something else what would they look like.  I would them ask if they wanted to they could stand up and share it with the class. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Ball for Daisy!


I read the book A Ball for Daisy by Chris Raschka.  this book was about a dog who love to play with her ball.  her owner takes her to the park to play with her ball.  while they were at the park the ball popped, the owner got mad at Daisy and threw the ball in the trash can.  Daisy was really sad then the next day they went back to the park and some children gave Daisy a new ball to play with.  this story is a great story to have for and independent read. 

I think that this book is a great book.  this book is another one of those books that do not have any words to it.  this would be great to see what some of the children come up with in my class.  every child sees things differently and every child has a different story to tell.  this book also has many awesome pictures and they are very clear.  so there should be no confusion on what picture goes next.