Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Little White Rabbit

I read the book a Little White Rabbit by Kevin Henkes.  throughout this book it says how it would be if the rabbit was different thing.  the rabbit hops around and as he does this he will pass by things saying I wonder how it would be if I was as tall as a tree.  and on the next page it would show how the rabbit would look if he was that big.  I thought that the book could have had a different ending because I though the ending did not really think it went with the book, but other then that it was a really good book.    the pictures are great.  they are made with color pencil.  this link below shows the author drawing the pictures of this book I thought that was an awesome video.       

to use this in a classroom I think that it would be used for an after lunch book to clam down the students after running around.  I would ask the children after to go to their desk and work alone on a drawing if they were just like something else what would they look like.  I would them ask if they wanted to they could stand up and share it with the class. 


  1. While i see your point, i disagree. Throughout the book the bunny is questioning different things in nature and is sot curious about everything. At the end when he goes back home he knows that his mothers love is one thing he doesn't have to question. He is confident that that is something that will never change, even though the things he was questioning before could.

    I agree this would be great book to use in the classroom, it could really encourage critical thinking.

  2. This book sounds absolutely adorable. I think it would fit in great with children's' lives because they often pretend to really be as big as a house or small as an ant. I like how Nikki said that the bunny realizes that he doesn't need to question his mother's feelings for him. I think a lot of children will realize this and be happy about their parents' affections.

    It would be great to encourage children to color! So many people think that amazing drawings are done with computers, when in all actuality, it was a simple colored pencil. This book could be used to spark their imagination and creativity.

  3. This sounds like a really cute book for young children. I like that the rabbit wonders what it would be like to be something different, because every child does this at some point in their lives. I also like that you said you would have the children draw a picture of what they would be, because creativity is a really important thing to encourage in children.

  4. This book sounds really cute and I think it would be great for students to read because it could really get them thinking about the what if's and into a much deeper level of thinking then they would originally be doing when being read a story. As a teacher I know a lot could be done with this book or the teacher could ignore the underlined meaning of the book so I would hope that no students in Children's Literature 443 would do that. The pictures are super awesome as well and I do love your link.

  5. This book teaches the students how to be thinking critically. I really enjoyed this link on the author Kevin Henkes. I also think that this book could support diversity in the classroom amongst the students and their differences. I love this book and have read this book to my kids before.
