Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Ball for Daisy!


I read the book A Ball for Daisy by Chris Raschka.  this book was about a dog who love to play with her ball.  her owner takes her to the park to play with her ball.  while they were at the park the ball popped, the owner got mad at Daisy and threw the ball in the trash can.  Daisy was really sad then the next day they went back to the park and some children gave Daisy a new ball to play with.  this story is a great story to have for and independent read. 

I think that this book is a great book.  this book is another one of those books that do not have any words to it.  this would be great to see what some of the children come up with in my class.  every child sees things differently and every child has a different story to tell.  this book also has many awesome pictures and they are very clear.  so there should be no confusion on what picture goes next.


  1. This sounds like a really cute book. I like that is has to do with animals because that's always a great topic for young children and it also has some problem solving. When the ball gets popped at the park and Daisy is sad, they have to figure how to make Daisy happy again. It sounds like an excellent book to read to students!

  2. This seems like a very cute book, especially to dog lovers. I haven't always been a big fan of books with no words because it is hard to follow the story line but this book seems like a easy book to follow by the pictures shown. The pictures are kept simple and not too much is going on on each page. Great post!

  3. When you showed me this book, I was a little turned off, because there aren't any words. After reading this though, I feel like this is a book I would want to read, and have in my classroom. I really like the pictures and they allow the kids to use their imagination to help tell the story.

  4. I feel imagination is a great tool for kids to develop and this book would be great to help develop that in kids. probably good for around pre school

  5. This book looks adorable. I especially love the name of the dog, Daisy. I really like that it is a picture book vs a book with words. I can only imagine what kind of story my children would come up with for this story.

  6. This book sounds like a great book to have in a classroom. If I was going to do an activity with this book I would have every student look at this and then write me a story or a play by play on what they think was going on in the book. It would be so interesting to see what every student said and thought was going on. This would be a great book to have in my bookshelf and I plan on it. :)

  7. This book seems great for young chidren. I love the fact that the students can get their own opinions of what is exactly happening in the story with their imagination. The pitures are great to give an idea to the story. A great activity would be to let them draw pitures to add to the story and maybe, they could actually write the words for their story. It's nice because the first parts will be the similar and then will end differnently. It will be interesting to see the different persepectives.
